Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why Ali's Way?

One of our annual fundraisers, Ali's Way, is taking place in just a few short days! Our sisters have been racing around campus inviting organizations to compete in the Lip Sync/Talent Show, selling admission and raffle tickets, choreographing ridiculous routines, and gathering the most impressive raffle prizes to ensure that this year's event is the best yet! However, the proceeds are not going to either of The Delta Zeta Sorority's national philanthropies: The Speech and Hearing Impared and the Painted Turtle Camp. So why do we produce another philanthropic event - for the eighth year in a row - benefiting an additional organization, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society? It takes a bittersweet but inspiring look at the past so see why Xi Lambda uniquely invests so much into our event.

Ali Facella
Sister Ali Facella was attending USF when she passed away from Leukemia in 2006. None of our our current undergraduate sisters knew Ali personally, but she has earned a place in our hearts through stories passed down by alumni. In fact, our College Chapter Director, Kiara Kempski, was president of the Xi Lambda chapter at the time of Ali's passing. Kiara remembers Ali as being a fun-loving, outgoing, and dedicated part of the chapter.

Started in 2007, Ali's Way is held not only in memory of Ali, but in memory of other friends and those closer ones who have lost their lives to leukemia or lymphoma.

Last year, we raised $4,150. It's up to each sister, each performer, and each donation to make another successful event! Ali's Way is not only intended to support an organization but to keep the memory of sisters and loved ones alive.

Ali's Way will take place on Wednesday, March 26, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., in the McLaren Complex. Admission tickets are $8 at the door or $6 if you buy one from a sister in advance. The lip sync and talent show will feature performances from Delta Zeta sisters, USF performance groups, and other student organizations. You can also buy raffle tickets to a chance to win one of many awesome prizes including an Apple TV, spa gift certificates, restaurant gift certificates, an iPod shuffle, and more! Raffle tickets are 3 for $5 and can be purchased from any sister or at the door.

Questions? Contact Lauren Henn at lhenn.dz@gmail.com.