May 13, 2013
Giants Game
We ended off the school year with a Giants Game at AT&T Park in the city! We all enjoyed eating hotdogs, cuddling up during the chilly SF night, and cheering on our team. It was a great way to de-stress from all of our studies and spend some quality time with our seniors before they graduated!
February 24, 2013
In February our Activities Chairwoman organized an activity for our chapter to go on a boat tour of the San Francisco Bay! We were able to see historic landmarks, listen to facts about the city, and spend time in the sun with one another. It was a beautiful day and an awesome opportunity to see our city from a different point of view!
In Your Own Words
2013 Exec Board
President: Holly Ersek
My favorite thing about Xi Lambda is our uniqueness. We are unlike all other sororities and other DZ chapters mainly due to our location, our size and our diversity. I love the size of our chapter because it allows me to know each and every fabulous sister in Xi Lambda! There is always someone to wave to as I walk through campus and always someone to be my mom when mine is 6 hours away.
I love working with my Executive Board because we are the perfect
puzzle! Each of us brings a different piece, a different perspective and a different
personality to the table. Each piece snugs together just right, with the
perfect mix of hard work, love, laughter and passion. I admire all of them so
much for all the blood, sweat and tears they put into our chapter, it makes all
the difference!
It is my goal this semester to remind our chapter that they
have 80+ sisters standing by their sides at all times; to encourage my sisters
to branch out and get to know those sisters they do not know as well. My Eboard
and myself are constantly working to create a strong sisterhood, a sisterhood
that truly embodies Delta Zeta’s values and traditions before going into
recruitment next fall.
I am happy I rushed Delta Zeta because it has taught me so
much about myself – I would have never thought I could stand in front of my
entire chapter as an executive member as a little sophomore. Delta Zeta has
given me leadership skills I could not have received anywhere else, it has
given me sisters that I never had before and would have never known otherwise, and
Delta Zeta has given me a home away from home, cliché, but truer than true.
VP of Programs: Cara Loftus

My favorite thing about Xi Lambda is the amazing support system we have. I have made college friends who I know will still with me far beyond my four years here at USF. If it weren't for Xi Lambda, I would not have my roommates, co-workers, or fellow classmates who also happen to be my wonderful sorority sisters.
I love working with my Executive Board because we all understand one another and know how to work together. When one person is feeling overwhelmed or stresses, there is always someone else on Exec willing to step in and help out.
It is my goal this semester to ensure that the chairwomen on Cab have all the help and support they need. I want to be available to them and allow them to come to me when they need assistance. I hope that Cab does not become an obligation, but rather something they look forward to and something they are proud to be a part of.
I am happy I rushed Delta Zeta because it has pushed me to new limits and made me realize the things I am capable of. If someone were to tell me four years ago that I would be living in San Francisco, a member of a sorority, and even more so on the Executive Board, I would not have believed them! DZ has allowed me to realize the world is full of opportunities and when we don't always believe in ourselves, we need a support system to believe for us; I have found that in Delta Zeta.
I love working with my Executive Board because we all understand one another and know how to work together. When one person is feeling overwhelmed or stresses, there is always someone else on Exec willing to step in and help out.
It is my goal this semester to ensure that the chairwomen on Cab have all the help and support they need. I want to be available to them and allow them to come to me when they need assistance. I hope that Cab does not become an obligation, but rather something they look forward to and something they are proud to be a part of.
I am happy I rushed Delta Zeta because it has pushed me to new limits and made me realize the things I am capable of. If someone were to tell me four years ago that I would be living in San Francisco, a member of a sorority, and even more so on the Executive Board, I would not have believed them! DZ has allowed me to realize the world is full of opportunities and when we don't always believe in ourselves, we need a support system to believe for us; I have found that in Delta Zeta.
VP of New Member Education: Marianne Meyer
My favorite thing about Xi lambda is my sisters. When I came to
USF, I was searching for a home away from home. As a freshmen, I was
scared of going off to college in a big city all by myself. I was hoping
to find people who would be there for me through it all. Thankfully, I
found my place in Delta Zeta and I can honestly say that my sisters will
be in my life forever! They have stood by me, cheered me on, been a
shoulder to cry on, and gotten me to my senior year of college. Because
of Delta Zeta, I am the strong, confident woman I am today.
I love working with my exec board
because we are one lean, mean, pink and green team! We are all unique
and have lots of strengths to bring to the table. My favorite thing
about us is that each of us is our differences! Each of us has our own
style, personality, and way of doing things. I love all of the fun
energy we bring to our meetings and to the chapter. This is my second
time on the Executive Board and it has honestly been one of the most
rewarding experiences I've ever had in college.
It is my goal this semester to make
the new members feel welcome! I want all of our new women to know that
they have found a family in Delta Zeta. I want to teach them about our
past, show them our present, and inspire them to be our future! It is
going to be a fabulous semester and it is my goal that they feel
comfortable and supported in our sorority. And of course, to have lots
of fun as well! :)
I am happy I rushed Delta Zeta
because it has changed my life! I know that sounds dramatic, but these
women are amazing. When I first came to college I didn't seem to fit in
as well as I had hoped. Once I rushed DZ, that all changed. I found my
best friends and sisters. Because of Delta Zeta I have had so many
opportunities... from being on the Executive Board, to becoming Greek
Council President, to landing an internship at Benefit Cosmetics! This
sorority has taught me that anything is possible if you have sisters
like mine to support you.