Sunday, April 19, 2015

Delta Zeta Learn 2 Listen Week

Today is the first day of Delta Zeta Learn 2 Listen Week! 
April 19th-April 25th! 

May is better hearing and speech month!! 
"For over 75 years, May has been designated as Better Hearing and Speech Month, a time to raise public awareness, knowledge and understanding of the various forms of communication impairments to include those of hearing, speech, language and voice."

Did you know?? 
•One in five American teenagers now suffer from some type of hearing loss; an increase of 31% since the mid-'90s.
•Too much exposure to loud noises over time can lead to NIHL (noise-induced hearing loss) 
•Some of the main culprits of NIHL in teenagers are personal music devices, video games, TV sets, movie theaters, concerts or (or any other event with blasting music), and even traffic. 
·     Most cases of hearing loss are slight, affecting only one ear and involving mostly high-frequency sounds thus many teens may not even notice the hearing change 
     Hearing Loss Prevention Tips: 
      Avoid hazardous sound environments.
·        Keep the volume setting on your music player below 60% of maximum output.
Use hearing protection-(HPDs) – such as foam earplugs when exposed to loud noises.

Why is it important to Learn 2 Listen?
Hearing loss is permanent and irreversible. It is cumulative and worsens without treatment.

Want more info?
Visit our partners for more information:

                               Learn 2 Listen Facebook Page: