
Great GaDZby Spring Social 2013

We held our Spring Social on February 28th at Rouge Nightclub in downtown San Francisco.  The theme was Great Gatsby- with a DZ twist!  All the guests dressed up in Roaring 20's attire and danced the night away!

Baby It's Cold Outside Rose Formal 2012

On November 30th, 2012, we held our annual Rose Formal at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel near Union Square in San Francisco.  The theme was "Baby It's Cold Outside", with the ballroom decorated to the winter theme, and a giant Christmas Tree near the entrance for guests to have their photo taken in front of.  We hired a professional photographer and DJ to entertain the sisters and their dates.  Appetizers and refreshments were served, with a bar for those of age.  It was a magical night!

Delta Zeta Rose Formal Fall 2011- On a Boat