Are finances hard during these tough economic times? Well, don't let that stop you from going Greek! Delta Zeta offers members a chance to enter and receive both Local and National scholarships to cover their dues!
One scholarship we offer is the Andrea
Marsala Scholarship. This local scholarship is awarded to one sister each
semester (all members are eligible) to cover one semester's worth of dues. This
scholarship is in honor of Andrea Marsala, one of Xi Lambda's previous CCD's.
This amazing woman and sister dedicated over 12 years of her life to our
chapter! In honor of her numerous years of service, we offer this scholarship
in her name.
From left to right, our Alumni: Andrea Marsala (Scholarship namesake), Kiara Kempski, Jacqueline McCawley
We also offer National
Scholarships such as Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships, and more! Every
year outstanding young women are able to continue their education because of
the generosity of alumnae who contribute to existing scholarships or establish
new ones.
Please visit
to see all of the amazing national scholarships that every Delta Zeta sister is
eligible for as well!